
Implementation in QstatLab

QstatLab allows training and searching of kriging models. The training is effectively an optimization problem where the optimization parameters are the hyper parameters Theta, P and Lambda (see the theory below). For n variables, we would have 2*n+1 parameters to optimize. One can see that as n increases the number of optimization parameters can become too great to be handled by any optimization problem. In large dimensional problems, it is recommended to keep the P parameters constant with a value of 2.

The kriging usage will be shown with the eg2 model located in OptimizationModels.qsl

1.    Follow the instruction in the User data evaluation example to create an input/output dataset so that you have the following:

1.    Select 'Kriging' from the Charts menu and specify the columns to use, then click OK

2.    The kriging module will load with the following dialog

·         Hyper parameters Theta, P and Lambda will be varied to maximize the CLF (concentrated likelihood function).

·         Keep hyper parameters with best CLF after 4 tuning cycles. The optimization cycle can be repeated several times (4 in this case). If the optimization algorithm finds different optimal values, the module will keep the ones that give the best CLF.

·         Maximum number of datapoints for tuning: When the dataset contains large number of datapoints, the tuning process might be slow. Therefore the user can restrict the maximum number of points that the system uses for tuning. The original number of data will be used during prediction.

·         Repeated datapoints. When there are repeated points, the user can choose to ignore the repetitions or to average them.

·         Direction of search. This is important for the calculation of the expected improvement function as it defines where does the function ‘improve’. Ignore this setting if you do not plan to use the expected improvement function.

Click ‘Calculate’ to start the tuning process.

3.    When the progress indicator disappears, the tuning process is completed. A short analysis of the model will be given:




Output values:eg2

Tuning using 15 datapoints out of 15

------ Tuning cycle1 -------

Hyper1 = 0.131905546305271

Hyper2 = -1.42017527958295

Hyper3 = 1.99972201956888

Hyper4 = 1

Hyper5 = -12

CLF = 15.6612629610882

------ Tuning cycle2 -------

Hyper1 = 0.147211010765128

Hyper2 = -1.46145538651498

Hyper3 = 1.99999351525317

Hyper4 = 1

Hyper5 = -12

CLF = 15.6458475168103

------ Tuning cycle3 -------

Hyper1 = 0.117525302837744

Hyper2 = -1.44307362994341

Hyper3 = 1.99997813880588

Hyper4 = 1

Hyper5 = -12

CLF = 15.6616163848123

------ Tuning cycle4 -------

Hyper1 = 0.154750423397989

Hyper2 = -1.32675896340584

Hyper3 = 1.99999985254462

Hyper4 = 1

Hyper5 = -12

CLF = 15.6365699449969


      observed       predicted        residual           error  exp.improvement


   -0.12370198     -0.12370197   -9.5405759E-9     3.265011E-7    1.2554041E-7

   -0.42745412     -0.42745411    -1.303539E-8    4.4605398E-7    1.7150808E-7

     1.0021613       1.0021611    1.2336649E-7    4.2216574E-6    1.7465999E-6

    -0.5974482     -0.59744818   -2.0019345E-8    6.8477189E-7    2.6329152E-7

    0.78807984      0.78807981    3.1233358E-8    1.0683336E-6    4.4200226E-7

   -0.74962246     -0.74962245   -1.3482544E-8    4.6136943E-7    1.7739709E-7

    0.11642268      0.11642268    4.8873919E-9    1.6716323E-7    6.9160677E-8

    -0.9852543     -0.98525427   -3.3893017E-8    1.1596056E-6    4.4586676E-7

    0.20822301        0.208223    6.0201221E-9    2.0600683E-7    8.5229984E-8

   -0.77654732     -0.77654729   -3.0157146E-8    1.0314757E-6    3.9659655E-7

     1.0473106       1.0473106    5.5662852E-8    1.9045944E-6    7.8797911E-7

   -0.94579253     -0.94579254    8.4189272E-9    2.8811823E-7    1.1920107E-7

     1.3687301         1.36873    6.5024793E-8    2.2246464E-6      9.20397E-7

   -0.32860473      -0.3286047   -2.2139825E-8    7.5771561E-7    2.9134391E-7

   -0.51030748     -0.51030742   -6.2123293E-8    2.1258001E-6    8.1737199E-7

Total residual  1.7579408004062E-7


Observed – the value from the dataset

Predicted – the value calculated using the trained kriging model

Residual – the difference between Observed and Predicted

Error – the root of the Mean Squared Error calculated at this point by removing this data from the data set used for prediction

Exp.improvement – the probability of improvement (in terms of optimum)


4.    Three models are now available.



Select each one of them and then click the ‘Copy to spreadsheet’ button. The models will be transferred to the spreadsheet.



Please note that when these models are being used, they will need to refer to the data specified in ‘datain’ and ‘reposnse’ fields. Therefore these data needs to be available at calculation time.


These models are now ready for further use in optimization or contour plots studies. Their contours are as follow


The prediction:


The prediction error – this plot can be used to plan further experiments where the error is greatest. Use CTRL + mouse click to set markers at the locations of maximum error and then use the Edit/Copy markers (variables) to copy the coordinates of the marked points. They can then be pasted to the spreadsheet.



Expected improvement. This function has its maximum where it is most likely to find the minimum of the function. The user would plan at least one new experiment at the maximum of this function if the function is being used for optimization purposes.



Kriging model can also be defined directly from the Model editor:



The most vital fields are nvars, datain and response. Note that the theta, p and lambda have been left empty. And the model looks as follows:



Any attempt to use this model, will lead to automatic training of the hyper parameters. If any of the hyper parameters are specified then they will keep their value as constant but the ones that are not defined will be trained. This can be demonstrated for instance by plotting a contour plots of the 'Name5' model:




Choosing 'Yes' will store the hyper parameters, so that next time they will not be trained again.



The resulting plot is similar to the one obtained above:



See also:

           Tutorial on models, optimization and robust design


The theory

The relationship between inputs x and observations (responses) y is expressed as

where represents the function or process which will be interpolated.

We evaluate this response for combinations of inputs representing our experimental design and use this information to construct an approximation

The response at x is expressed as

where is the mean of the input responses and is a Gaussian random function with zero mean and variance . We do not assume that the ε are constant as in regression, but that these errors are correlated. The correlation between two points being related to some distance measure between corresponding points. The distance measure used here is

where and are hyperparameters yet to be determined. The correlation between points x(i) and x(j) is defined by

An additional hyper parameter could be a regularization term added to the diagonal of R, denoted as l:

When we wish to sample at a new point x, we form a vector of correlations between the new point and the previously sampled points

If x is close to x(i), then these points are correlated and the predicted response will be strongly influenced by the response at x(i). Whereas if the points are far apart, the correlation is small and the predicted response will only be weakly influenced by the response at x(i).The prediction itself is given by

where the mean μ is defined by

Hyper parameters and and l are obtain by maximizing the concentrated likelihood function given as follows:


where the variance is given by

Another useful quantity is the mean squared error (MSE) of prediction

as this gives us a measure of the accuracy of our prediction at x. If the kriging model is used for optimization purposes, another useful quantity called Expected improvement can be computed:

where F and f are the standard normal density and distribution functions. This function represents the expectation of finding a global optimum. Therefore by further sampling around the designs that maximize this function would increase the chance of finding the global optimum. Another good place to sample points is at the maximum location of the MSE. These location would be the ones that are furthest away from any other data point and therefore the prediction error there is greatest. Sampling at this location would fill in the missing information. Further information is available elsewhere in the literature. A good reference is Jones D., Schonlau M, Welch W., (1998) "Efficient global optimization of expensive black-box functions", Journal of Global Optimizaton 1998.


See also:

            Tutorial on models, optimization and robust design



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