Distribution calculator 


QSTATLAB makes it possible to find critical points of following frequently used statistical distributions: standard normal distribution, Students distribution (t – distribution), - distribution and Fisher’s distribution (F – distribution).


The option Distribution calculator can be selected by use of the menu “Charts” or icon . A menu for selection of distribution appears (Fig. 13.20).


·         Standard normal distribution. This program calculates the integral




where  is normally distributed random variable with mean  and standard deviation, while  is the normalized variable





There are two options: Normal and Inverse normal distributions. When the option Normal is chosen in the window “Data” should be entered . Then on the vertical axis we can read the value of alpha, which is equal to the value of. It shows the probability of occurrence of the random variable  to the left of some given value.


Using the standard normal distribution we can find the probability of occurrence of a normally distributed random variable in a given interval. It is calculated as follows:




Example Let us find the probability of occurrence of a normally distributed random variable in the interval , provided that its mean is m = 3 and the standard deviation is . First we calculate:




ClickNormal”. In the windowDataof the calculator put  and click “Answer”.  In the field “Answer” appears  = 0.158655253931457. Similarly we can find  = 0.308537538725987. After some rounding we calculate the probability for occurrence of  in the interval  :




The option Inverse normal is used to find which value of  corresponds to given value of . For example let  = 0.158655253931457. Enter this value in the window “Data”.   Click “Answer” and obtain .



OptionInverse t”. Two values should be entered for this option: significance level (alpha) and degrees of freedom (ni). Click “Answer” to obtain the critical value of Student’s distribution for these parameters.


Example Let alpha = 0.05 and ni = 7. Following critical value of t-distribution can be read in the field “Answer”: 1.89457860509001.


Option “t”. In this case for a given critical value of t-distribution and given degrees of freedom look for the level of significance in the fieldAnswer”.


Example Let t = 1.833 and ni = 9. Click answer to obtain alpha = 0.0500089700252915.



OptionInverse Chi”. Two values should be entered for this option: significance level (alpha) and degrees of freedom (ni). Click “Answer” to obtain the critical value of - distribution for these parameters.


Example Let alpha = 0.05 and ni = 15. Click “Answer” to obtain the critical value of - distribution: 24.9957901397286.


OptionChi”. For given critical value of - distribution and degrees of freedom ni click “Answer” to obtain the significance level alpha.


Example Let  = 10.283 and ni = 21. Click “Answer” to obtain alpha = 0.974998498319471.  = 10.283 is the value above which the area under the distribution curve is equal to alpha.



OptionInverse F”. Three values should be entered: significance level (alpha), degrees of freedom for numerator (ni1) and degrees of freedom for denominator (ni2). Click “Answer” to obtain the critical value of F distribution corresponding to these parameters.


Example Let alpha = 0.05, ni1 = 5, ni2 = 14. Click “Answer” to obtain the critical value of F distribution: 2.9582489131222.


Option “F”. В For given critical value of F distribution and degrees of freedom  click “Answer” to obtain the significance level alpha


Example Let F = 5.4967, ni1 = 4, ni2 = 17. Click “Answer” to obtain alpha = 0.00499995529867125.


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